The birth of target shooting goes back to the 1840’s with the threat of invasion by Napoleon which inspired the creation of the Volunteer Corps.
In late 1899, after heavy losses suffered at the start of the Boer War, the Civilian Rifle Club movement was formed.
Field Marshall Lord Earl Roberts VC
Field Marshall Lord Roberts VC led a campaign to establish a rifle club in every town and village in Great Britain. However, due to stringent safety measures associated with full-bore shooting, this objective wasn’t reached.
Miniature rifle clubs (.22) were easier to set up with range design etc and this led to the formation of the Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs and a rapid increase in clubs.
In and around the Henley area there were many clubs set up in pubs, factories and local halls with inter club shooting and competitions arranged. Henley Trinity Hall was formed in 1910. The hall was not just a range – there were workshops for the local population to learn a trade and even a boys’ band.
With the outbreak of WWI every member of the Club joined up, some as snipers.
In 1938 the outdoor range was opened at Hernes Park with the help and generosity of the Ovey family who have had a close association with the Club since the early 1930s.
The Club restarted after the Great War and continued until the outbreak of WWII. The range was used by the Americans in 1943 for sleeping, using hammocks tied from the roof – some of the nails can still be seen today.
In the Heydays of shooting Henley Trinity Hall had a membership of 70 with a waiting list. Today the Club has 28 active shooting members, some of the current members have been shooting for over 50 years! The club active shooting members collectively can boast having Member experience totalling well in excess of 500 years, an achievement by club standards.